Monday, December 10, 2012

One Year Later.......

Ok friends. SO lmost ONE year later, I am taking "THE LEAP".  Both feet are in, and I am on my way to getting my funds raised and saved to head back to Ethiopia in June with Awake & Alive!  First-I MUST THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK you to ALL of you who have already donated in ANY way. 
I have NEVER liked or wanted to ask for "help" in things.  However, I feel when you jump into Mission Work it is truely God's calling.  I have pondered it ever since Rylee came home. I finally got word I am meant to go! Yes, yep I did : )  Can't remember His exact words, but it was something like "You go girl" ! So.......I am
There is not ONE thing in this world that i feel so passionate about.  My children are my passion. My children are from Ethiopia and they have taught my about life.  It's not MY plan. 
So, I am shouting it from the rooftops-I AM GOING BACK TO ETHIOPIA and taking some friends with me! I am blessed. It's not the exact exact people I would have guessed, but they're the ones that have stepped up and said I AM COMING WITH YOU, and i couldn't be more thrilled!!!! Thank you everyone! I am still on the hunt for MORE chicken buyers! We need to get those peeps in Ethiopia their CHICKENS!!!!
ANY purchases made via the Oridnary Hero Store (another amaaaaazing organization that I love!) 40% goes towards my mission trip! AND if I am the TOP affiliate by the end of Saturday I will get an EXTRA $500 towards my travel costs! Plus, it's shopping with a purpose. However, you're more than welcome to buy a realllly cute shirt for yourself or children too-I sure do love their message!  But again, I thank you so very much! I'm going to do BIG things while in country and I can't wait to share it all with you!!!
Meggan A.

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