Really....ok, so let me get on my soapbox for a second. Well, because after all this is my blog where I can do these types of things. Don't get me wrong, I like my lil' piece of hollywood drama, it's my outlet where I like to get away and after all, it makes me realize that the dysfunctionalism (that a word?) that's going on in my life isn't so bad after all. And as a matter of fact, the Kardashians topped my list. I like them.
But, let's be honest. You spend $10 MILLION on your marriage that lasts 72 DAYS and that's ok? DO SOMETHING MEANINGFUL with your money,HOLLYWOOD!! You all know how I feel about what's going on in this world, I don't think I need go there right now. But, the next time I think about purchasing the PEOPLE magazine and US WEEKLY that used to be what got me excited come Thursdays...I'll think again. Because, let's not forget about the reports that Jessica Simpson was demanding $500,000 for the "announcement of her pregnancy"....yeah, let me throw in $5 for that PEOPLE magazine to help do that for you Jessica...Nope.
And, we can't forget about the sports craze-because we should charge $500,000 for a "bad tweet"....
The NBA came down hard on Miami Heat owner Micky Arison on Monday, fining him $500,000, according to league sources, after he used his Twitter account as a sounding board about the lockout last Friday. (
I "get" that this is America, and I get that "that's just how it is"....but-is it reallly the "American Dream"???
Go Meggan, Go Meggan, Go Go Go Meggan! It is sad how people just throw money away...truly in my mind they might as well of took the 10 million and flushed it down the toilet...not only did they spend 10 mil on a wedding!!!!! but then they took the sacred gift a marriage and poo'd on that too!! I mean...I know of a great and meaningful place they can send their money!