Friday, December 21, 2012


I am ABSOLUTLY blown away by the generosity of people, especially this time of year.  Everyone is already buying Christmas gifts and getting ready for the biggest time of year! But throught that time, I also wa BLESSED with being a GRANT WINNER fom Ordinary Hero! I know that WE also during this time, CHANGED THE WORLD for ONE!  Donkeys, Sheep and Chickens were purchased for families in Ethiopia! Adorable T's and such like this below were also purchased! Now, I can't exactly see what everyone purchased but I do know who helped during this time-I can't let that go un-noticed! Thank you Thank you Thank you from the bottom of my heart!  I already am giddy with excitment of going, but I also get a tear and bit of a pit in my stomach at the thought of going 10 nights without kissing my babies while their sleeping before bed at night......The difference is, I KNOW our kids will be ok with all the love they have here at HOME.  The children of Kechene need Love.  We need to show them they are LOVED and God knows their name! He knows their name! They are not forgotten.....Please continue to pray!
I have raised, in total almost $1700! WOOT! $1800 is due March 1st, I think I can handle that :) Next up, I am designing a T that we'll be selling, details to come! and AGAIN, THANK YOU so so very much!!!!

Monday, December 10, 2012

One Year Later.......

Ok friends. SO lmost ONE year later, I am taking "THE LEAP".  Both feet are in, and I am on my way to getting my funds raised and saved to head back to Ethiopia in June with Awake & Alive!  First-I MUST THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK you to ALL of you who have already donated in ANY way. 
I have NEVER liked or wanted to ask for "help" in things.  However, I feel when you jump into Mission Work it is truely God's calling.  I have pondered it ever since Rylee came home. I finally got word I am meant to go! Yes, yep I did : )  Can't remember His exact words, but it was something like "You go girl" ! So.......I am
There is not ONE thing in this world that i feel so passionate about.  My children are my passion. My children are from Ethiopia and they have taught my about life.  It's not MY plan. 
So, I am shouting it from the rooftops-I AM GOING BACK TO ETHIOPIA and taking some friends with me! I am blessed. It's not the exact exact people I would have guessed, but they're the ones that have stepped up and said I AM COMING WITH YOU, and i couldn't be more thrilled!!!! Thank you everyone! I am still on the hunt for MORE chicken buyers! We need to get those peeps in Ethiopia their CHICKENS!!!!
ANY purchases made via the Oridnary Hero Store (another amaaaaazing organization that I love!) 40% goes towards my mission trip! AND if I am the TOP affiliate by the end of Saturday I will get an EXTRA $500 towards my travel costs! Plus, it's shopping with a purpose. However, you're more than welcome to buy a realllly cute shirt for yourself or children too-I sure do love their message!  But again, I thank you so very much! I'm going to do BIG things while in country and I can't wait to share it all with you!!!
Meggan A.